July 2018

June 2018

Jack Schumacher, at age 14, died of a rare bone cancer and was possibly another victim of a West Salem osteosarcoma cluster. ANNA REED / Statesman Journal

May 2018

April 2018

March 2018

March was a great month. The Statesman Journal published some meaningful stories surrounding sexual abuse at a local church and families facing homelessness. It was so nice to feel like we are doing real watchdog journalism. Riding in a fire engine ladder and getting splattered with neon paint was just a fun bonus.

February 2018

January 2018

January was busy, but really fun. I was able to focus on some more significant stories. The first female national commander of the American Legion visited Oregon and I spent almost a full day with her as she visited the Capitol and an all-female post. The Womxn’s March again drew thousands, despite the rain. And January was the start to the Statesman Journal’s big push to focus on stories of homelessness this year. On the day of the annual Point-in-Time homeless count, we sent out 12 reporters and photographers. We met with people experiencing homelessness, as well as advocates and volunteers. We hope to do many more stories, and more in-depth stories, this coming year on all issues surrounding homelessness.

December 2017

November 2017

October 2017

Kim Kinney’s longtime partner died by suicide in 2015. To treasure his memory, she walks in the Out of the Darkness walk for suicide awareness and prevention.

September 2017

September is for football/fútbol.

August 2017

May/June/July 2017

The summer has sped by. In May, a reporter and I out went out to the Oregon Coast for three days to learn how the recreational marijuana industry is affecting the already booming tourism industry. The video I made is above. The complete story, along with other USA Today recreational marijuana stories, can be seen here. The full series was published all across the country on July 31.

Otherwise, the Statesman Journal Sports Awards and vacation (imagine that) took up most of my time in June. July was back to normal. We’ll see how August and the total solar eclipse that is passing over Oregon goes. I’ll be back out at the coast to cover the hordes of people expected to descend upon Oregon. 

April 2017

April saw the publication of two stories I had worked on for a long time. First, a story on a surrogate here in Oregon who was carrying a child for a New York couple. Oregon is one of the most surrogacy-friendly places in the country and the world. I spent several months following both families as they worked together to bring a child into their worlds. In October of last year, the baby boy was born. I was able to be in the delivery room and see those first moments when Will and Dan met their son after he had been carried for nine months by Yessenia. It was simply amazing. The story was part of a larger USA Today project on the laws and emotions surrounding infertility and the lengths potential parents go to to have a child. The Will and Dan portion of the project can be seen here.

Second, I pursued a story at a new place in downtown Salem. Church Street Boxing is actually on Church Street, but it is also a church/boxing gym combo. Sundays, people gather to worship. And the rest of the week, people come to workout and learn to box. The pastor behind the space says he likes that both the boxing and the spiritual guidance teach the same values; determination, discipline and a sense of direction.

March 2017

February 2017

January 2017

December 2016

November 2016

This video was difficult to put together because of the lack of b-roll and the complicated history behind the story. But I am actually happy with how it turned out.

October 2016

Apparently all I cover now is sports.

August and September 2016

I completely spaced putting together an August blog post, so here is a double.

July 2016

June 2016 (a.k.a. sunshine comes back to Oregon)

May 2016

April 2016

Just two days before our deadline for a story on how homelessness affects students, we found a family. Carolyn Reitzer and her four children let me into their lives, after several weeks of working with shelters to find a family with school-age children willing to let the paper interview and photograph them.

Carolyn and her children were more than welcoming. I was able to photograph them three different times in less than 36 hours. And while I, personally, would have loved to have more time with them, I was very happy with how comfortable the family was with me around. You can see the full story and photo gallery here.


April was full of stories about students, including vandalism, science and prom season.